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Americans believe in the value of cancer screening tests, despite the medical supplies?

The vast majority of Americans are convinced of the importance of cancer screening, so much so that she would be willing to ignore the advice of the doctor suggest to space tests, shows a survey published in the "Journal of the American Medical Association."
Much debate exists regarding the benefit of cancer screening. From these discussions emerged the idea that consensus, "to allow the public to make the right decision, it must have access to all information regarding the benefits and risks," the researchers said at the Veterans Medical Center White River Junction.
The work undertaken by the U.S. health authorities for many years to persuade the people of the United States of the importance of cancer screening seems to bear fruit, they point out, however, denouncing advertising more "aggressive" to sing the praises of new screening techniques, yet not prouvés.Les researchers conducted a telephone survey of 500 adults over 40 years for women and 50 years for men to express their attitude to -vis the testing in general, and particularly in the case of false positives, and their enthusiasm for a new method of screening, aided tomography whole body ordinateur.La almost all of the women interviewed had suffered a smear (99%) and a mammogram (89%), 71% of men had meanwhile been tested for PSA assay, to indicate the existence of prostate cancer, and nearly half of the participating persons, men and women, had undergone colonoscopie.Une vast majority (87%) believed that cancer screening is "almost always a good idea," three-quarters believe that early tests save lives "mostly" or "all the time," the authors report. Half also thought that screening reduces the amount of enthusiasm nécessaires.Cet treatments for cancer screening primarily reflects the desire of the people whether or not they are sick, and not an interest in the implications comment on auteurs.En addition, more than half of the women said she was ready to go against the advice of their doctor if it is advised to recommend smear them further apart in time. Similarly, three-quarters of men continue to be screened for prostate cancer, and a similar proportion of men and women suffer a colonoscopy, despite recommendations contraires.D Moreover, if there was a question the cost of each of these tests, some of the respondents said they would increase the frequency of screening, due to a review every six months.The risk of false-positive results are, however, (38% of participants), requiring new medical board exams, with the psychological consequences that pending the final outcome may result. While describing this scary waiting time, some remembering even as "the most terrifying moment of their lives," nearly half of those who lived it does not however regretted having passed the first test . asked about their interest vis-à-vis the whole body positron desktop, only a quarter of them have raised the risk of side effects, the authors report. "Our study shows that screening is not considered as an option but an obligation "towards the close but professional, they comment, involving" the campaigns of incitement to screening have passed a misleading message and biased, discouraging any discussion on the use framed these tests when the recommendations are poorly defined (screening at an earlier age, old age or for patients with several diseases, for example). "
Now, "the challenge is to adjust these messages and reduce the risk of 'over-testing' and 'over-treatment' of the public," they conclude.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →