Metabolic syndrome : no link demonstrated moderate alcohol consumption
The effects of moderate alcohol consumption on the metabolic syndrome remain unclear , according to the results of various scientific studies already published , experts said at the 28th Scientific morning of the Scientific Research Institute of drinks ( Ireb ) in Paris.
The mechanism of metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of several abnormalities : abdominal obesity , hypertension, hyperglycemia , decreased blood levels of "good" cholesterol (HDL) and triglycerides . This syndrome , associated with resistance to insulin action , is most often associated with obesity and diabetes frequently . It represents a major cardiovascular risk factor .
The frequency of this syndrome increases sharply in developed countries : it would affect 30 % of adult U.S. men and 16% in France ( 11% women) . The DESIRE study reported that 1 in 5 adults in Europe was concerned . The problem also becomes important in children and adolescents with the increase of overweight and obesity in these age groups.
Gerard Lasfargues , an endocrinologist at the University Hospital of Tours ( Indre -et-Loire ) and Jacques Weill, professor of biochemistry at Tours and honor of the scientific committee of the President Ireb have reviewed the scientific literature dealing with research on the link between metabolic syndrome and alcohol.
The results are ambiguous : moderate alcohol consumption (beer or wine ) can have beneficial effects on certain parameters (triglycerides , blood pressure and HDL cholesterol) and rather harmful to others ( weight , body fat and blood sugar).
" Epidemiological studies show a positive relationship between alcohol consumption and elevated triglycerides and blood pressure , which is in a harmful way and a positive relationship with HDL cholesterol, which is rather in a protective way ," says Gerard Lasfargues in the summary of his presentation.
" The effects on body weight and adiposity , blood glucose and insulin levels are contradictory , which may be explained by differences in levels of alcohol consumption according to the studies ," he adds .
Alcohol and risk of type 2 diabetes
On the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in people with the metabolic syndrome , studies also show disparate . " For some authors, the group least at risk is made by consumers of low to moderate amounts of alcohol ( two drinks per day ) . Others have found an inverse relationship with minimal risk in people consuming the quantities higher , "says endocrinologist .
The potential beneficial effects of alcohol on insulin sensitivity or the metabolic syndrome variables do not appear so clearly demonstrated.
" In the current situation , there is no sufficient reason to encourage non-users to a regular and moderate consumption of alcohol or conversely to discourage it to moderate drinkers " concluded the expert.
Physical activity and a balanced diet are the two key elements of the management of the metabolic syndrome, also recalled Gerard Lasfargues .
The Ireb , founded in 1971 on the initiative of producers and distributors of alcoholic beverages companies , aims to contribute to the biomedical and social sciences on alcohol.

Author: Mohammad
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