Metabolic syndrome as France is threatened !
The worldwide epidemic of metabolic syndrome announced not spared France , said Dr. Jean -Pierre Despres , director of research at the Cardiology Institute of Quebec ( Canada) , at a press conference in Paris on theme.
Metabolic syndrome is a condition characterized by the association of metabolic abnormalities , which alone are not always in charge . " Yet all the disturbances that are are extremely harmful in terms of prognosis ," says the specialist.
Metabolic syndrome includes at least 3 of the following 5 components : abdominal obesity, greater than or equal to 1.5 g / l of blood triglycerides HDL cholesterol ( the "good" cholesterol ) less than 0.40 g / l in the man and 0.50 g / l in women; fasting glucose greater than or equal to 1.10 g / l or above 130/85 mmHg blood pressure.
In France , the prevalence (total number of cases per year) of this syndrome is growing , as evidenced by the first French data ( from a study called DESIRE , Epidemiological Data Syndrome Insulin Resistance another name given to the metabolic syndrome). Moreover, according to another study ( MONICA ) , 22.5% of men and 18.5 % of women aged 35 to 65, are affected by this disorder.
" We find ourselves before a major risk and yet the testing is almost nonexistent ," laments Professor Despres . However, as the metabolic syndrome is associated with abdominal obesity , according to him there is a simple to realize in practice gesture measurement of waist circumference , which should be imposed on any clinical examination , like the blood pressure taken .
" The measurement of the abdominal circumference is a vital sign : it must be included in the medical record of each patient ," insists the specialist.
When thus proves greater than 102 cm in men and 88 cm for women , waist circumference is a real warning sign , since in 80% of cases , it reflects a highly atherogenic lipid disorder characterized both by the presence of molecules of LDL cholesterol ("bad " ) cholesterol and small dense , triglyceride increased in the blood and low HDL cholesterol.
" The metabolic syndrome requires a comprehensive management of patients with a multifactorial therapeutic approach : diet and exercise first, then individually tailored drug therapy ," said Dr. Despres .

Author: Mohammad
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