Metabolic syndrome : targeting the environment and children
To prevent metabolic syndrome which includes , in adults , cardiovascular and metabolic abnormalities , it becomes essential that governments get involved in supporting changes in the environment and act with children, ideal target for prevention , said in Paris during a press conference , Professor Jean- Charles Fruchart (Lille) , President of the International atherosclerosis Society .
Defined by the World Health Organisation since 1998 , metabolic syndrome has three biochemical risk factors ( HDL , or "good" cholesterol less than 40 mg / dl in men and 50 mg / dl in female ) above 150 mg / dl triglycerides above 110 mg / dl glucose levels, blood pressure above 130/85 mmHg and a weight surchagre characterized by abdominal visceral obesity type ( hard and imposing abdomen ) .
The combination of 3 or more of these parameters characterizes a person with metabolic syndrome. An adult of 4 or 5, depending on the country , has the disorder , the prevalence (total number of cases per year) proving higher in slices older population : in fact, in more than 50 years , it reaches more than 40% in the U.S. and nearly 30 % in Europe.
" All ages , the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 9 % in France , which is a moderate percentage in comparison to other countries," says Professor Fruchart , adding that ultimately , no country is protected to the extent that obesity is going to touch more and more young people.
For Professor Jean -Pierre Després ( professor of nutrition and director of research at the Heart Institute, Quebec , Canada) , "The metabolic syndrome is a time bomb in an individual in apparent good health , leading a normal life and no symptoms . His risk of a stroke is thus multiplied by three . "
These statistics indicate both a danger to public health worldwide ( the risk seems equally important in Japan , in sumo , the Philippines , in the Arab countries as among American Indians) , but at the same time , paving the way for a real policy of prevention, particularly through a simple and inexpensive screening .
" In fact, says Dr. Després, without having to engage in a policy of systematic screening of the population , it is possible by a simple measurement of waist complemented by an analysis of blood triglycerides , identifying 80% patients with the metabolic syndrome . "
Although international recommendations were made regarding management of this syndrome and its treatment remains a major challenge to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events , says the specialist. " These are the first cause of mortality (especially premature ) and hospitalization in industrialized countries , far ahead of cancers," he informs .
This issue explains the creation of an Institute of metabolic syndrome , at the request of many international experts , which has three main tasks : to develop the knowledge of this disease , educate the medical profession, all health professionals and the general public to contribute to research in this area.
Good food , fight against physical inactivity and education from an early age , as would have a solid foundation to simply start prevention.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →