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National days of epilepsy

National Days of epilepsy were organized with meetings, debates and conferences to raise awareness of this disease and prevent the exclusion of people who suffer.
Nearly 500,000 people have epilepsy in our country. At the same time they are also 500,000 families, from the diagnosis, will face all the medical, psychological and social difficulties to live this everyday.

"The seizure is scary. She scares the beholder and isolates whoever lives. From ignorance of the disease, has rejected" the organizers explain these days. The person with epilepsy suffer from misunderstanding and prejudice in addition to his own suffering and exclude more, they said.

League against Epilepsy (FLEC), the French Foundation for Epilepsy Research (FFER) and associations (Aispace, ARPEIJE, BFE, Eole) gathered by the National Committee for epilepsy to these days a means of raising awareness of the painful problem of exclusion, to "break the silence of misunderstanding" of "reducing stigma."

Epilepsy is a neurological disease whose manifestations are varied and complex. It involves the whole brain and can lead to conditions as mild and severe.

The number of patients who have an estimated 150,000, in addition to epilepsy, deficits or related disorders, motor, sensory, neuro-psychological, cognitive, psycho-emotional, relational or which cause permanent disability and a change in the quality of life.

In 60-70% of cases, epilepsy is well controlled by medication. For more than 30%, epilepsy is called "drug-resistant". In this case therapeutic alternatives are sought which neurosurgical intervention or stimulation of the vagus nerve.

Associations and organizations wishing to achieve better form including caregivers, to early diagnosis, the creation of centers of reference, taking a more comprehensive medical and social care, education of patients.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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