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Respiratory viral diseases

"Against the flu, colds and bronchitis, there are simple steps to reduce the risk of infection," is the message that want to get the Ministry of Health and INPE (National Institute for Prevention and health education) through a wave of communication on the campaign "Adopt actions that protect us", presented in Paris during a press conference.
The first wave of the campaign was created to remind the importance of French gestures basic hygiene, such as washing hands, using a disposable tissue or wearing masks to protect themselves against respiratory viral diseases.

For the second wave, this campaign comes in three TV ads and two print spots, giving the possibility to the viewer or reader to visualize the ease and speed with which germs are spread when coughing that you sneeze or you take a used tissue on the highway, for example. The challenge is to permanently change the behavior of French.

Scenes of everyday life and put forward the importance of simple hygiene practices:

- Wash your hands with soap several times a day,

- Put your hand over your mouth when coughing or sneezing,

- Wear a mask if you are jammed.

Bias that is to materialize microbes by a multitude of figures designed to arouse curiosity and to show the large number of respiratory viruses emitted every cough or sneeze and transported by hand.

Three films were shown:

- The movie "sneeze" in meeting several people attending the presentation of a project. One of the protagonists sneezes without covering his mouth, which has the effect of projecting into the air thousands of figures, representing in reality thousands of microbes, as stated in the voiceover.

- The movie "dirty hands": a young man in a mall, throwing a used tissue on the floor, which has the effect of spreading many numbers. A child playing on the floor pick it up, covering also these figures, which continue to multiply when put his hand to his mouth.

- The movie "cough" it depicts a child playing in the park. Many figures from the cough of the mother who has not covered the mouth, come and multiply around him.

With a publication in twenty monthly, two print ads are intended to illustrate the spread of germs and virus circulation entails sneeze or cough when they are not stopped in the atmosphere using the hand or a handkerchief. The first issue deals with the importance of the mask when sick, the second chooses the importance of covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing.

Local radio stations are not forgotten, receiving in turn a sound file press composed of 10 chronic one minute each. Experts and answer several questions:

- With the arrival of autumn, viruses are more numerous: how to avoid getting a cold or flu at this time?

- Our department is affected by a flu epidemic and many people, usually active professionally, are bedridden. This disease is highly contagious it?

- My child who celebrated her birthday yesterday had among its guests a child coughed a lot friends. A he may have contracted bronchitis?

- I am the mother of a 2 month old, I'm afraid of bronchiolitis, because many children are hospitalized in my area. What to do?

Finally, "and prevention measures for patients and caregivers," is an announcement on respiratory viral infections to health professionals distributed in the press.


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Author: Mohammad
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