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Osteoporosis: food in the heart of prevention

A rich and balanced diet will ensure stronger bones and prevent osteoporosis as well, said Professor Pierre Delmas (CHU Lyon), President of the International Osteoporosis Foundation, in a press conference organized in Paris by the Grio (Group for Research and Information on osteoporosis) on the theme of food and nutrition.
According to the report published by the International Foundation against osteoporosis, a healthy and balanced diet is one of the cornerstones ensuring strong healthy at every stage of life bones.

"After fifty years, one in three women and one in five men will suffer an osteoporotic fracture is higher than breast cancer or prostate cancer rates. However, osteoporosis is an economic burden to society. From Indeed, in Europe, the combined annual cost of treating osteoporotic fractures is estimated at 44 million euros. Nevertheless, osteoporosis can be prevented to a certain extent by constructing an optimal peak bone mass. "

The skeleton is composed primarily of collagen and calcium, so calcium intake and protein are essential and must be tailored to each according to his age, sex and specific needs (such as pregnancy and sport).

The bone knows several distinct periods of existence. During the first twenty years of life, the skeleton is growing and contributions must satisfy the daily needs but also the additional requirements related to bone growth. The latter experiences a peak during puberty, a time when the body manufacture nearly half of its skeleton in a few years.

Peak bone mass is the highest level of bone mass achieved during the third decade. It determines the future risk of osteoporotic fractures, which remains largely determined by heredity. However, it has been shown that calcium fortification of feeding prepubertal girls can increase significantly.

During adulthood, the contributions merely offset the loss of calcium binding or those increased during pregnancy and lactation and the menopause when bone loss accelerates. Finally, the elderly, the intestinal absorption of calcium and vitamin D deficiency, frequent, increasing even more the need for dietary compensation.

Power intervenes in all phases of life and marrow is a major determinant of fracture risk. Indeed, a change in eating habits, a food fortification with calcium, protein and vitamin D or pharmacological supplementation have demonstrated their ability to reduce the risk of osteoporotic fractures.

For Professor Christian Roux (Cochin Hospital, Paris, fourteenth district, AP-HP), Chair of the Grio, "an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is necessary throughout life to ensure the skeleton the best possible health" adding that "the protein and salt also play a role, illustrating the importance of nutrition in preventive measures for osteoporosis."

A global day is spent!

World Day against osteoporosis, doctors, nurses, dieticians and physiotherapists, liberal and hospitable, rally under the Grio to explain the importance of a balanced diet rich in calcium in preventing osteoporosis .

Targeted information to enable everyone to find their bearings and significant immediate answers about osteoporosis: How this insidious disease she weakens the skeleton and often exposed to debilitating fractures? Can we expect to live and grow old without fracture?

On this day, games and direct exchanges with experts, so professionals will go to meet the public to explain this pathology, advising people at risk and convince them of the importance of balance and richness calcium, and the power to establish and maintain the necessary bone mass.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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