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Rheumatoid arthritis: the psychological impact ignored

The psychological effects are too often ignored in rheumatoid arthritis, according to a survey by Louis Harris Medical Institute at the request of the French Association of polyarthritis (AFP), presented in Paris, during a conference release.
Better define the problems
Between January and May 2002, 12 454 usable questionnaires were collected and analyzed from 7702 patients (43% membership in AFP) of 2834 members of the entourage and 1,918 physicians. The objective of this study was to better define the problems caused by the disease and its impact on personal and professional life. With the results, the AFP and hopes to mobilize the medical profession, institutions and policy makers for the medical, psychological and social burden of this debilitating disease progresses and the situation of the patients improved.

When you hear talk of rheumatoid arthritis, only the physical aspects are generally discussed. However, the psychological consequences of the disease are enormous.

Fatigue for 84% of patients and 59% have trouble sleeping. This physical exhaustion, if not taken into account, quickly generates a moral exhaustion.

In addition, the disease confronts the person with respect to others: 61% of patients with physical deformities related to the destruction of joints. However, it is complicated to manage psychologically representation of her body is changing and often curious look, sometimes offensive, in any case rarely neutral, other.

Finally, physical and unbearable by repetition and constancy pain is accompanied by a grief that can eventually turn into a real distress.

Dominant negative feelings
Among the survey participants Louis Harris Medical, 64% said often feel obliged to force to make usually simple. In addition, 63% feel frustrated not able to achieve their desires.

Forty-nine percent of people say they are often anxious thinking that their condition could worsen. In fact, anxiety and physical constraints of the disease hinder the majority of people in building their lives during the year preceding the survey, 67% of people found themselves unable to carry out projects .

Similarly, 63% of patients felt they were in a situation of dependence vis-à-vis their surroundings.

The attitude of the present times too close can also produce the opposite effect to that intended: 44% of respondents have already shown annoyed by the caring attitude of those around them.

Finally, the lack of understanding of others and supported by the company on the difference look too frequently refer patients to a poor image: 43% faced humiliating situations and 24% have experienced the feeling of being rejected or excluded.

What would the AFP
1 / Consideration by doctors psychological impact of the disease and offering routine psychological care adapted to a chronic disease, a painful and debilitating.

2 / The creation of a professional helpline and support for people affected by rheumatoid arthritis, patients and relatives.


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Author: Mohammad
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