Pacemaker and everyday life : the 10 commandments
Wearing a pacemaker allows a normal life, provided you follow a few precautions issued by Dr. Christelle Marquié cardiologist in the journal "Heart & Health ."
After the healing period (one month) , the patient with a pacemaker feels no pain and virtually no local discomfort . He will be given a map or a book to keep on him , containing references to the device.
All activities of daily life are allowed (shower, sports , sexual activity, aircraft ), with , however, ten precautions to be observed :
1 / Risk of local trauma : a violent blow directly on the pacemaker can cause ( very rarely ) a malfunction by altering probes or damaging the skin next to the box with secondarily a risk of infection. If smite, do not hesitate to consult.
2 / Interference : the pacemaker delivers electrical pulses. Its operation can be altered by the environment. In practice, in most cases, a very transient dysfunction of the pacemaker can be seen as the person remains in the vicinity of the device that interferes with return to normal operation as soon as it moves away.
This transient dysfunction of no consequence in most cases because it does not last long enough . It can ( very rarely ) cause discomfort or even loss of consciousness .
3 / Portals : on security gates department stores, it is normally advisable to go without stopping. However, for walk airports, it should be noted from the employee responsible for monitoring wear a pacemaker, to perform a manual search and not go through the portal .
4 / mobile phone : you can use it by placing it about 20 cm from the pacemaker (in practice with the ear on the opposite side of the pacemaker ) .
5 / Occupational Exposures : Some work environments are cons -indicated in patients with cardiac pacemaker due to risk of interference ( electrical cabinets and high voltage , for example). Each case must be examined by the doctor and the cardiologist .
6 / objects with no interaction with pacemakers : television, computer , cordless phone , microwave oven, electric hob or ceramic , hair dryer , electric shaver , laser disc player ...
7 / Beware , however , objects with a large motor or sparking ( drills, electric saws, grinders , batteries ... ) . Pacemaker wearers can not switch magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , or use the hob induction , so the welders arc .
8 / Report always the presence of a pacemaker to health professionals (some precautions may be needed in case of radiation or electrical appliances, for example).
9 / contact sports or violent are not recommended (risk of shock).
10 / Wearing the belt drive is applicable, without exception.
These recommendations are not exhaustive . If in doubt , do not hesitate to ask your doctor.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →