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Stress and lifestyle : a female specificity ?

Stress seems to affect women more than men and if there are innate biological differences between the sexes , it is mainly stressors facing the female who strongly involved in daily life, said Dr. Patrick Legeron ( St. Anne Hospital , Paris ) , at a press conference organized in Paris by the Theramex laboratory.

Stress is defined as the " reaction of the body against the changes , requirements, constraints or threats of its environment in order to adapt ." This reaction is both physical (mobilization of the body by releasing chemical substances such as adrenaline , causing increased heart rate and respiratory rate, increased blood pressure and tensioning of the muscles) and psychological ( mobilization of the psyche by activating emotions such as fear or anger and preparing each individual behaviors of "attack" or "escape" ) .

" This reaction promote our adaptation to our environment aims to : stress is therefore not a disease but a survival response to both natural and necessary ," says Dr. Legeron .

As confirmed by a survey conducted by TNS Sofres for Le Figaro Magazine, 55% of women against 35% of men are affected by stress. In addition , considerable stress states are found in 26% of women against 11% of men .

The psychiatrist's opinion , this important inequality man / woman has several explanations : apart from biological differences ( role of sex hormones ), women have in fact in today's society a " double dose " of stress to deal with, that of their working lives and that of their home life , professionally , they generally know more constraints and less recognition .

" However, when stress becomes chronic and becomes permanent , the health risks appear to both somatic ( chronic fatigue , cardiovascular disease , impaired immune system , psychosomatic diseases, digestive and urinary disorders ... ) and psychological ( mental suffering , behavioral problems , anxiety and depression ) , "says the specialist.

According to him, the anxiety- depressive consequences of stress are now well established medically and again women pay a heavier toll than men. " Studies show and about 16 % of women with anxiety disorders ( against 8% of men ) and 12% real depressive disorders ( against 6% for their male counterparts ) ," he illustrates by emphasizing the need not to neglect the stress women and intervene before the onset of these anxiety- depressive illness , which is part of the long term, in order to better prevent them.

In fact, it becomes more difficult to fight against after " difficulties assertiveness entrenched ( manifested as aggression or conversely by inhibition ) of eating disorders (anorexia or bulimia) or against the occurrence of addictions ( vis-à -vis tobacco , alcohol or psychotropic drugs) , "said Dr. Legeron .

Faced with various stressful situations which are subject particularly women, Théramex laboratory has developed a dietary supplement containing omega 3 (400 mg / day) and vitamin B9 or folic acid (200 micrograms / day ) to take form of therapy for three months and sequenced manner : one tablet (brown capsule ) per day comprising a combination of vitamin B9 and omega 3 during first 3 weeks , then one tablet (pink cap ) of omega 3 in the fourth week .

Indeed, it has been suggested that folic acid as a precursor of serotonin, and omega 3, which modulate the release of neurotransmitters , could play a role in mood and hence the ability to better cope with situations stress , says psychiatrist.

This dietary supplement called EveStress , available in pharmacies , is particularly indicated for active women 20 to 50 years , often with a poor diet , exposure to cyclical changes in mood and subject to stressful life constraints daily .


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Author: Mohammad
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