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Simple and effective measures

There are some basic steps and actions that we can do in our daily lives and often prove beneficial to our health. If you do not know, know now that they are very simple to apply.
Play sports and exercise

Sport and exercise are the primary factors that prevent the occurrence of venous insufficiency. Indeed, the fact to move the legs can improve and preserve the bloodstream. The most recommended are walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics or gymnastics floor. Regular stretching sessions are also beneficial for the legs.

Elevate your legs

The elevation of the leg during sitting positions is a way of preventing heavy legs (use a stool for example). It is also advisable to use pillows during sleep (an elevation of 5 to 6 cm is ideal).

Apply a spray of cold water on the legs

The positive effect of a jet of cold water on the legs has been demonstrated, and avoids an abnormality in the venous return. Shower foot and leg in cold water, with a rate of twice a day, would be beneficial for blood circulation.

It is advised to avoid exposure to high heat such as sunbathing, the waxing, ....

Beware of clothing and footwear

Wearing heels decreases the ability of the arch and heel to propel blood to the heart. Moreover, pants, belts, boots or boots too tight also impede venous return and causes the syndrome of heavy legs.

Eat a varied posture

One extended position is detrimental to the legs. In a sitting position, it is advisable to avoid crossing your legs to release the venous circulation. When sitting is prolonged, frequent breaks are recommended. Small exercises like walking or exercises on tiptoe are beneficial.

Attention to lifestyle

Avoid tobacco and alcohol

Alcohol and tobacco have harmful effects on the vein walls, thus supporting an abnormality in the venous circulation.

Watch your weight

Weight control is associated with power monitoring and practice regular and healthy exercise.

Watch your diet

Certainesvitamines, minerals and antioxidants prevent the occurrence of venous insufficiency, protecting the vein walls.

Food and beverages containing stimulants should be avoided.

Les vitamines
Les aliments
Morue, saumon, thon
Céréales complètes
Fruits secs
Asperges, épinards
Noix, amandes, noisettes
Huiles végétales (tournesol, colza, maïs)
Agrumes, cassis
Lentilles, haricots, noix, graines
Thon, calmar
Germes de blé, farines de sésame
Poudre de cacao, chocolat
Fraises, framboises, cassis, pommes, cerises


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →