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Menopause: our tips

The intensity of the signs of menopause varies considerably from one woman to another. Most signs often generate frustration in women. Here are some simple steps to better live this new change. Simple steps to reduce the signs and prevent the possible consequences of menopause: - Watch your diet. Recommended foods are those that allow and promote good heart and bone health. Thus, foods rich in calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, protein and plant phytoestrogens should be regularly prioritized. Spicy and exciting foods are not recommended. Some foods are also effective: soy, omega-3, flax seed ... - Ensure proper hydration - Even with age, never forget the light exercise. Stretching exercises are highly recommended (30 minutes per day on average). Some relaxation techniques may also be useful to prevent major hot flashes and sleep disturbances: yoga, tai chi, massage, meditation .... - Managing stress and anxiety - Avoid excess alcohol, avoiding tobacco - Ensure an active sex life - Avoid prolonged sun exposure, too hot and wearing synthetic clothes bathroom. These precautions may help reduce hot flashes.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →