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Spine: structure and functions

Static posture and balance, these are the main roles of the spine in the human body. Few lines to understand how is it structured and why do we have the household ....
  The backbone or spine is the main structure that gives stability and posture our body. The spine is formed of stacked together (vertebrae) bone, via articulating joints and intervertebral ligaments.

The spine is made of some natural curvatures involved in balance and stability back. These curves also provide a strengthening of the abdominal muscles and protects against back pain.

The intervertebral joint is a bond between the vertebrae. It consists of the intervertebral discs (cartilage) and intervertebral apophyses. The joints are joined by intervertebral ligaments. Several muscles insert throughout the spine to also ensure stability, movements and posture of the spine.

The spine protects the spinal cord throughout its journey at the channel back vertebrae (spinal canal). At the level of the spinal cord ramify different nerve roots responsible for the sensitivity and motor of all body parts.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →