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Surgery is mandatory in case of papilloma of the breast?

The existence of a tumor in the breast still arouses anxiety and frustration. Obviously, a non-cancerous tumor is more reassuring and scary nonetheless. Despite this, when the doctor provides a systematic surgical removal of the tumor, several questions begin to shake in the head ...
The breast intraductal papilloma is a benign tumor that develops in the lining of the milk duct. This condition often affects women of middle age. The tumor may be single (most common) or multiple (often in younger women).
Papilloma of the breast is characterized by a discharge from the nipple. The discharge may be clear or colorless, but can also be bloody. Swelling can be detected during palpation of the breast concerned, it is sometimes painful.
Papilloma of the breast can be diagnosed by galactography, a mammogram or ultrasound, and biopsy to confirm the nature of the non-cancerous swelling.
Surgery is usually recommended in cases of intraductal papilloma of the breast, upon discovery and despite stopping the flow. Indeed, the risk of developing cancer is higher in case of papilloma, and the tumor is often associated with abnormal cell changes. The risk of cancer is much higher in case of
- Multiple Papilloma
- Intraductal papilloma with suspicious cells in the biopsy, or manifested by a bloody discharge.

Surgical removal of papillomavirus can prevent the development of cancer, it is always associated with an analysis of the removed tissue to accurately verify the presence or absence of cancer cells. In the presence of malignant cells, other treatments may be helpful to complete the surgery.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →