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The nervous tension headache

A full agenda, a busy day, an unusual pressure ... It's enough to suffer. However, behind the bright and radiant face always lies a severe headache which ended us at the end of the day. Nervous tension headache in sight.
 What is the nervous tension headache?

The tension headache is a secondary headache to psychogenic factors. These factors are mainly dominated by stress, fatigue and anxiety. These are the types of pain the most common head affecting more than 80% of the population in industrialized countries. Women (around age 30), are the most affected (Source: WHO).

By what mechanism?

Tension headache may be due to

- A psychological factor

psychic trauma,

conflict context (professional or family)

activity requiring a lengthy concentration,

anxiety, stress, anxiety, repressed emotion

syndrome or complex Atlas *

- A physical factor: prolonged computer work in poor posture, eye strain and neck, some of the menstrual cycle in women

- An external factor: climate, lifestyle ...

Although the mechanism is still not clear, these situations cause contractions and spasms of various muscles of the face and the face and scalp and neck. These contractions can thus generate a series of reaction.

There are:

Chronic tension headaches (almost every day, about 15 days per month), which may be present for several years to become a handicap for the patient

frequent tension headaches (once a month)

episodic tension headaches that are generally shorter and occur for a few hours (or even days). The pain goes away with the analgesic taken.

What are the characteristics?

Pain, not throbbing and moderate, are usually poorly localized and sometimes described as headaches helmet or bar on the front. They also felt on both temples, they start in the morning, remain intense during the day and late in the day but disappear at night when sleeping.

These pains are often associated with muscle contractions in the neck and face.

The patient also has a few signs as

sleep problems (insomnia)

appetite problems,

concentration problems or dizziness;

weight loss sometimes

Tension headaches are usually sudden onset, the pain is always located at different points on the head every episode. The pain may also disappear unpredictably and spontaneously.

What to do before a tension headache?


Episodic tension-type headache is usually relieved by simple and easy to use gestures

- The physical and mental rest, apart from the suspect environment holidays, massages, meditation ...

- The usual analgesic taken: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin .... taking into account the cons-indications

- Rest of the eyes during prolonged computer work,

leave the closed for a few minutes

ensure regular blinking during labor

- Little massage on the forehead, neck, temples or the area under the eyebrows

- Applying wet compresses (hot or cold) on the front

- A hot shower or a relaxing hot bath

- A quiet and complete sleep

A medical consultation ....

Generally, when the tension headache is chronic and rebellious to the usual analgesics, it is safer to consult your doctor to confirm the existence of a nervous tension. The diagnosis is made after an examination of good conduct, a thorough physical examination and elimination of other causes of headaches. In fact, the doctor is very careful to not neglect the most serious causes as well as taking improper care.

Tension headaches usually do not require further investigations.

The treatment of a tension headache is typically based on the degree of stress and depression experienced by the patient. The doctors recommend psychotropics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, anti-anxiety, or sometimes antiepileptics while evaluating the indications and side effects.

Today Botox (botulinum toxin) is an evolution in aesthetics. However, some doctors rely on muscle paralyzing action of Botox in order to reduce the pain caused by tension and muscle contractions.

This medication may be associated with psychotherapy sessions. Several methods are used depending on the case (hypnosis, acupuncture, relaxation therapy ...). But generally, chronic tension headaches do not respond to these types of care.

Local treatments are often advised: physiotherapy, massage, osteopathy, and relaxation techniques like yoga, chiropractic, ...

How to protect a tension headache?

One technique: how to manage stress. The lifestyle is heavily involved in the management of stress. It is recommended:

- Take time to relax

- Engaging in regular physical exercises

- Adopt a good posture during prolonged computer work, so as not to strain your neck muscles and eyes. This is the most common headache because:

neck, back and hip must be straight and aligned, and the back is fixed on the back of a chair,

the computer must not be less than 40 to 50 cm and must be at the same height as the top of the forehead, to avoid eyestrain,

avoid bending your back when you look at a computer screen,

frequent breaks are recommended (every two hours at least) this to rest your eyes and back but also to maintain normal blood circulation. During breaks, it is advisable to leave his post for simple muscle flexibility.

Complications to fear ...

When chronic tension headaches occur continuously and consistently, complications and disability may occur:

Very frequent insomnia leading to severe tiredness

Serious difficulty concentrating, which can lead to memory problems

Rebels effects to prescribed treatments, no improvement in pain even after a good rest leads

All these situations can impact on the professional and daily life of the patient.

Syndrome or complex Atlas *: pain in the neck due to anxiety or extreme stress.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →