The otoscopic examination
The otoscopic exam is a very common routine. And surely, unknowingly, we have already passed the exam! Yet, with these technical terms, anguish and frustration are always waiting for you when it comes to medical devices ...
Description and details
The otoscopic examination is a visual examination that explores the accessible parts of the ear with an optical instrument. The examination may be performed by a general practitioner or a doctor ear, nose and throat.
In children, the otoscopic examination is a routine for the pediatrician.
Otoscopy is performed during a single consultation with his or ENT doctor. Indeed, any examination of the ear always starts with the inspection by otoscopy.
Otoscopy essentially explores:
- The flag, taking into account the color and shape
- The external auditory canal, studying the direction, size or size, position, mobility, the presence of a possible perforation or deposits of foreign substances
- The eardrum, which appears in gray, transparent and is located at the bottom of the external auditory canal
However, some circumstances call for a otoscopic examination:
- Routine examination to see the state of the external auditory canal
- Decreased hearing to verify the presence or absence of earwax or other visible causes
- Otitis to see the status of the tympanic membrane inflammation, scarring, perforation ....
How does an otoscope?
The patient (or child) is sitting comfortably on a chair review. The doctor begins to examine the non-affected ear, before moving on to the affected ear. The material is gently inserted into the ear and ear canal. The introduction of equipment requires technical and handling pinna. Performed normally and correctly, this maneuver is not painful or dangerous.
The exam is based on the chosen techniques, depending on the material used.
The materials vary according to the experience of the practitioner but also the indication and the purpose of the review.
The binocular microscope consists of an intense lighting system, but requires the mobilization and manipulation of the patient's head. This equipment uses an ear speculum adapted to the size of the external auditory canal. The binocular microscope is commonly used by medical specialists.
The otoscope is the material most commonly used by GPs, it is an optical device shaped funnel inserted into the ear. The otoscope is equipped with lighting system, thus facilitating the examination.
The oto-endoscope also allows visual exploration of the ear. It consists of small probe provided with an optical system and a lighting system. The probe is inserted into the external auditory canal, the image is transmitted over a computer screen to be interpreted by the physician. Endoscopy of the ear is a visual exploration and allows no manipulation at the ear.
The introduction of the endoscope ear is more sensitive than other materials.
The ENT doctor also often uses a headlamp to better handle other equipment with both hands free.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →