The measurement of hearing
A hearing loss ... hearing loss, disability dreaded. But it is possible to measure the hearing. It is a simple and painless examination that can inform us about the type of hearing loss, and it's worth ...
The acoumetry
The acoumetry is a clinical examination to measure the hearing of a patient. The purpose of the review is to define the character and type of hearing loss of the patient, based on their reactions to sound stimuli.
The acoumetry requires collaboration between the patient and the doctor.
How is the procedure performed?
The patient is seated comfortably. Sound stimuli are sent, and the doctor evaluates the results according to reactions of the patient. The stimulation can be:
- A whisper voice at a distance (6 meters), emitted at different intensities
- Noise produced by a watch with hands (looking at the watch), which assesses the ability to perceive acute sound waves
- A tuning fork with different frequencies. It uses two main tests in which the patient should tell the doctor where the sound is best seen and heard.
The Weber test compares the hearing in both ears. The pitch is fixed on the patient's forehead
The Rinne test is to compare the transmission of sound in the ear canal (air conduction or CA) and the transmission at the bones (bone conduction or CO). The fork is placed near the pinna (CA) and in contact with the mastoid (CO) to issue a severe vibration.
Another test involves placing the pitch at the wrist bone or joint.
The technique of whispering and looking at the watch can essentially locate the ear affected by deafness. The technique differs from the type of tune deafness and thus distinguishes the anomaly is at the transmission is at the level of perception.
The result
The technique allows the pitch to better evaluate and differentiate the type of hearing loss:
- The hearing loss is due to impairment of the external ear canal, eardrum, the hammer and the anvil, the Eustachian tube. In this case, the air conduction (CA) is below the bone conduction (BC)
- Sensorineural hearing loss is the result of a breach of the cochlea, the auditory pathway or brain. In this case, the air conduction (CA) is greater than the bone conduction (BC).
The acoumetry is not a painful procedure, is essentially subjective and approximate, it is usually coupled with an audiometric examination or audiometry.
The audiometric testing and audiometry
Description and details
Audiometry is a test that measures hearing with a device (in addition to acoumetry is a clinical measure). It is to listen to sounds or words to the patient. These sounds are emitted at different frequencies and intensities varying by a headset or speaker.
Audiometry necessarily requires an otoscopic examination of the ear first, and a thorough cleaning. It is also necessary that the patient is working properly and follow doctor's instructions.
Audiometry is usually performed by an audiologist, a specialist in ENT or audiologist. The material used is the audiometer. It is a device that emits sounds of different frequencies (adjusted as needed), and that translates sound information graphics or layout called audiogram.
The techniques and results
There are two main techniques audiometry, in which the physician analyzes the responses made by the patient in response to sound stimuli.
The measure conduction audiometry (air and bone) during sound stimulation emitted from a headset or a bone vibrator. It allows to assess the level of sound detection (hearing threshold) by the patient. This review resulted in two curves (one curve for each ear), providing data on levels of hearing loss and type of hearing loss (hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and mixed hearing loss).
In this technique, the patient can also tell the doctor when the sound he became intolerable. We talk about the discomfort threshold.
The tone audiometry also for the presence of any tinnitus.
The speech audiometry using words or syllables and used to evaluate the level of understanding of words by the patient but also the level of communication. These sounds are emitted at different frequencies and intensities, a headset or speaker, or at the ear or to the patient. The doctor asks the patient to repeat the words or syllables.
Thus, both ears are examined one by one, and still comparatively. Generally, speech audiometry is complementary to pure-tone audiometry.
Thus, a deafness sign a violation of the external auditory canal, the eardrum and ossicles. Sensorineural hearing loss is a violation of sensory nerve pathways and cochlear channels. Mixed hearing loss affecting both sensory pathways and the eardrum.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →