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The psychiatrist

Mental disorders and mental illness are often difficult to take care of diseases. The psychiatrist is the expert. But when the check? And what a difference with the psychologist? What is the role of the psychiatrist? The psychiatrist is a doctor who specializes in the study, knowledge and support of mental and psychological disorders. Some mental disorders are related to organic conditions such as asthma or allergies causes. Others are psycho origin as - The schizophrenia, - Psychoses and neuroses, - Anxiety attacks, - Depression and manic-depression, - Autism When to see a psychiatrist? Patients are often people with behavioral disorders, oblivious to their problems. Thus, it is very rare that a patient comes to see a psychiatrist of his own volition, to help out. They are often referred by family, doctor or even justice. Consultation with the psychiatrist ... The consultation is based on listening to the patient, to better detect the type and nature of the disorder. The psychiatrist focuses on the knowledge of the personality and behavior of the patient. The therapeutic methods psychiatrists are based on psychotherapy group therapy, individual therapy, cognitive-behavioral approach, ... Commonly prescribed medications are antidepressants, anxiolytics or hypnotics. The neurologist and psychiatrist work together when the patient has mental disorders related to neurological diseases. Both specialties can be combined in neuropsychiatry. Discipline can be controlled by the same specialist, neuropsychiatrist. And psychologist? The psychologist is a health professional who is particularly interested in the behavior, personality and social relations of a person. The psychologist is not a physician, he holds a degree in specialized training in psychology. Although psychology and psychiatry are similar areas, the psychiatrist, a doctor can prescribe medication. The psychologist is especially qualified in maintenance techniques, psychometric and psychological tests in understanding the person.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →