What is vasovagal syncope?
Confined space, stress, strong emotion ... when the balance of the nervous system is disturbed, everyone can be a victim of this malaise. But what exactly is the mechanism, how to recognize discomfort when see ... The answers are in this article.
The vagal discomfort is felt after an overactive vagus nerve causing a slower heart rate and blood pressure. This phenomenon leads to a decrease in blood flow and a decrease in cerebral perfusion. When the vagal leads to loss of consciousness, it is called vagal syncope or shock.
Both systems are normally permanent balance, in case of a malfunction or disruption of this balance may appear an overactive parasympathetic or vagal system to the origin of vasovagal syncope. The main triggering factor is often anxiety or excitement.
The vasovagal reaction is a very common disorder, and especially for young people and anxious or sensitive to strong emotions and intense pain that often trigger signs people. Other factors may also trigger vagal as
- Severe fatigue, stress
- Hypoglycemia
- The warm atmosphere
- Fear
- Claustrophobia ...
These triggers vary from person to person, so the knowledge of these factors allows the patient to prevent discomfort.
The unease is reflected in:
- A feeling of fatigue with sweating, nausea and other gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea usually)
- A feeling of impending loss of consciousness, feeling of anxiety
- Visual disturbances (blurred visual, feeling blackouts)
- Dry mouth, yawning, flushing
- Acceleration of the respiratory rate, increased heart rate
- Tinnitus
- Tingling sensations or tingling in the limbs
Dizziness, sweating, palpitations and tingling are often signs that herald the onset of discomfort.
The vagal sometimes results in loss of consciousness, which can also be accompanied by seizures. In case of unconsciousness, recovery of consciousness often occurs spontaneously.
Before a vasovagal reaction, care must always be serious as several other cardiac or neurological disease may occur by the same signs. Thus, it is necessary to extend the patient and check the heartbeat and breathing. In general, a vagal Benin remains without complications risks are mainly related to falls due to the sudden loss of consciousness.
The vagal gradually disappears when the patient is at rest or when lying down or sitting or squatting position, in case of loss of consciousness or prolonged discomfort, an injection of atropine is often performed.
In some patients, the vagal repeats. In this case, proper hydration is recommended and an assessment is made. Recurrent ailments are particularly severe in the elderly and require care and a more specific follow-up.
A vagal repeatedly can impact on the quality of life of the patient.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →