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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Maternal alcoholism is responsible for serious disorders of the fetus and has a very important impact on the baby.
You should know that even a minimal consumption of alcoholic drink can have serious consequences
Two glasses of wine a day should be considered excessive.
Fetal alcohol syndrome associates:
- Microcephaly
(the size of the head of the baby is smaller than normally),
- Facial dysmorphism
that is to say, facial deformities,
- Hypotrophy
that is to say a smaller birth weight,
- Delayed psychomotor development
- Often behavioral,
- Finally, various more or less serious malformations (heart, cleft palate, synostosis RADIO ULNAR see this term, abnormal fingers, eye anomalies, genitourinary organs).
Mental disorders persist in the adult:
- Mental retardation,
- Persistent character disorders.
The mental retardation is important, true weakness in some cases.
In addition, the length of alcoholism before pregnancy is an aggravating factor and SMOKING.
We can never say enough that a pregnant woman should not drink or smoke. If it still does not take into account this is a child who will bear the serious consequences


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →