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Impacts of alcohol

Alcoholism can cause neuropsychiatric disorders manifested by more or less severe clinical signs of brain damage or encephalopathy, intellectual impairment or alcoholic dementia.
Impact on health
The alcohol addiction for several years resulting in chronic health problems such as
- Cardiac disorders (arrhythmias, heart damage)
- The brain damage with the appearance of lesions in the progressive destruction of brain cells
- Diabetes can occur when alcohol poisoning. The most serious risk is the occurrence of a fatal hypoglycemia when drinking on an empty stomach.
- Hypertension
- Involvement of the liver cirrhosis of the liver
- The gastric damage with the appearance of gastric ulcers and gastritis
- Damage to the nervous system manifested by loss of feeling in the limbs and other parts of the body.
social repercussions
The alcohol dependence may induce social complications especially for young subjects:
- Learning difficulties may arise
- Problems of delinquency deviant behavior vis-à-vis society can lead to a family avulsion and / or professional
- Legal issues in relation to delinquent behavior
The social cost of alcohol addiction is becoming increasingly important. The medical cost of alcohol is 10 to 15% of health spending.

In business, 50% of productivity losses are related to alcohol addiction (absenteeism, behavior problems in the workplace with verbal or physical abuse, craving causing accidents on machinery, ...)


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →