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Asthma can be prevented through a comprehensive program of action initiated before birth

An intervention program multifaceted initiated before birth has been shown to reduce the prevalence (total number of cases per year) of asthma in children at high familial risk, according to a Canadian study published in the journal " Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. "
Several intervention studies have sought to reduce certain environmental exposures in early life in families with a history of asthma, in particular to the smoke and allergens, or promoting breastfeeding. But avoid individual risk factors did not prevent the development of asthma.
A Canadian group has evaluated the effectiveness of a multifaceted intervention in primary prevention among 545 infants at high risk with direct family history of asthma and allergies. They were divided into an intervention group and a control group, even before birth.
The intervention program included measures introduced before birth and continued during the first year of life: eviction of house dust, pets, smoking in the environment, with an encouragement to breastfeeding for at least four months and possibly a year and a late food diversification (after 6 months).
Dr. Moira Chan-Yeung of Vancouver and colleagues published the results obtained when the children reached the age of 7.
The prevalence of asthma diagnosed by a pediatric allergist was significantly lower in the intervention group to 14.9% against 23% in the control group, a reduction of 56%.
The prevalence of asthma defined by symptoms (wheezing without colds and presence of airway hyperresponsiveness) was also lower in the group that benefited from the program (12.9% versus 25%), a decrease of 61%.
For cons, the prevalence of allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, atopy and bronchial hyperresponsiveness was not significantly different.

Children will be reassessed at the age of 11-12 years to determine whether this intervention program is effective in preventing asthma throughout life or if it has just delayed its appearance, the authors note.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →