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Hepatitis B vaccine children

Specially designed for children 0-15 years old vaccine is now available in pharmacies.
This extended to children vaccination will reduce significantly the incidence of HEPATITIS B.
The Engerix B 10 is very effective at over 99%.
It is less expensive than the vaccine for adults. It is paid at 65% by social security.
It can be used with other vaccinations, taking care to use another syringe and other injection sites.
This vaccine will allow the vaccination of infants born to HBsAg positive (see HEPATITIS B).
For children and adolescents: two injections one month apart with booster at 6 months.
For infants: three injections one month apart with booster 1 year s.
In early 1996, a new recombinant vaccine against hepatitis B has been on the market: the HB VAX DNA 5 micrograms / 0.5 ml. Currently it is available for infants and children (other forms for adults will be available soon).
This vaccine is closer to the natural antigen. This high degree of purity of the protein vaccine provides immunization dose lower than that of other vaccines.
Two immunization schedules are possible:
- 3 injections at 0, 1, 6 months
- 4 injections at 0, 1, 2, 12 months.
The first scheme is more suitable for the vaccination of school-age children (vaccination done in the school year). The second scheme, reserved for infants, simultaneously with the Pentacoq.

Vaccination is intramuscularly into the deltoid muscle or anterolateral thigh for infants.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →