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Hepatitis C accidentally bite

The risk of contamination with hepatitis C after a needle stick injury is a function of viremia (amount of virus) blood contaminant, the depth of the wound, and the type of the wounding agent (needle hollow potentially more dangerous).
Must be cleaned very long wound with soap (10 minutes), rinse well, and make a long antisepsis at least 10 minutes with Dakin or bleach diluted at 12 ° 1/10th.
If splashed in the eyes of potentially contaminating organic liquid, it should be flushed for at least 10 minutes and disinfect with an antiseptic drops biocidan kind.
Must immediately assess the HIV status of blood contamination., In terms of the AIDS virus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
Because we know that the preventive treatment against the AIDS virus, Accidental puncture should be performed within 4 hours after the accident.
To the victim:
It will be determined transaminases every month for 3 months, and do serology for hepatitis C at 0, 3, and 6 months.
Also check the HIV status of the victim regarding the AIDS virus and hepatitis B.
If an increase in transaminases is found it will do a search for RNA hepatitis C.
It may be interesting to look, especially if transaminase increase, the presence of viral RNA in hepatitis C by POLYMERASE CHAIN ​​REACTION, fortnightly for two months and then monthly for 4 months.
If the diagnosis of infection with hepatitis C is established, it should start treatment with interferon-alpha, thereby significantly reducing the risk of transition to chronicity.
This treatment is established by the specialist after evaluating the risk of infection.
Some even advocate the immediate alpha interferon preventive use all occupational contamination.

In cases of occupational accident reporting this accident must be made within 48 hours.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →