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This is the permanent increase in the bronchial tubes. This expansion can be regular or irregular. She constantly accompanies hypersecretion which is often purulent.
This expansion can be diffuse or localized:
- The diffuse bronchiectasis may be congenital or secondary to repeated lung infections that affect the texture,
- The localized bronchiectasis are secondary to an inflammatory process or a circulatory disorder, sometimes a disorder of ventilation.
This is an intractable cough associated with sputum very important, especially morning. Spitting blood are not uncommon.
Some additional tests will clarify the diagnosis:
- X-ray that shows multiple rounded brightness, rimmed with a thin dense peripheral border in both lung fields, but predominant in peri-hilar
these images are associated with irregular tubular brightness.
- MRI confirms many moniliform expansion and saccular cysts in both lung fields.
- Bronchoscopy (bronchial endoscopy See ENDOSCOPY.)
- Bronchography (radiographic examination after opacification with lipiodol, which is iodized oil)
These tests allow you to specify the location of expansion and morphology (CES EXPANSION BE PARALLEL, ampullary, saccular, moniliform, THAT IS \ "ROSARY IN \").
For diffuse bronchial dilatation in children, look for:
- Congenital cause especially if other defects exist
- A cause acquired: a severe measles or whooping cough, recurrent infections of the airways.
Adult, look for:
- A former asthma
- Chronic bronchitis.
The localized bronchiectasis are often secondary to:
- A Bronchitis, Chronic
- A chronic pleural effusion.
The change is mainly to local superinfection: LUNG ABSCESS, pleurisy (see THESE TERMS) purulent, spitting of blood may occur.
See hemoptysis.
An impact on the right HEART may also emerge after a few years of evolution.
It is absolutely drain secretions.
The daily clapping in a dependent position is essential.
Curative and preventive antibiotic treatment will be required.
A breathing exercises will be undertaken and continued indefinitely
The stop smoking is imperative
It will eliminate all potential outbreaks (TEETH, SINE)
Sometimes surgical treatment is possible in localized dilatation of bronchi. It involves removal of a lung segment of a lung lobe or an entire lung.

Of course, a full assessment must be done before because in bilateral diffuse forms that surgical treatment is impossible.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →