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Dyspnea causes

In case of acute dyspnea:
It is most often dyspnoea at rest to start more or less brutal.
The cause may be heart or lung.
- It may be hemodynamic pulmonary edema that reflect left ventricular failure of an underlying heart disease that can be coronary, hypertensive, or valvular.
- Sometimes, but rarely it can be a complication of a SHRINKING MITRAL (see THIS TERM).
- Asthma attack.
- Exacerbations of chronic obstructive bronchitis are characterized by significant disturbances of blood gases (see hypercapnia HYPOXIC AND THESE TERMS).
- Lesional pulmonary edema
- Severe acute pneumonitis
The diagnosis will be facilitated by additional tests knowing they must remain limited by the emergency.
These are the electrocardiogram, chest radiograph, measurement of BLOOD GAS, see echocardiography, and possibly cardiac catheterization.
In case of suspected pulmonary embolism dosage of D DIMERS, lung scintigraphy, a Doppler lower limbs and pulmonary angiography may be proposed.
In case of chronic dyspnea:
- These are the chronic respiratory disease and heart disease are the leading causes of dyspnea especially among older subjects.
Overweight remaining an aggravating factor.
- The left heart which are dominated by coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.
- Chronic obstructive respiratory disease (chronic bronchitis, asthma EMPHYSEMA PULMONARY the ongoing effort to dyspnea).
- Restrictive respiratory disease that can pulmonary origin as pulmonary fibrosis or parietal as scoliosis.

- Finally, some causes are both heart and lung as pulmonary hypertension Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension primitive.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →