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Allergic conjunctivitis clinical forms

There are several clinical forms of this disease
Which is the most common eye allergy is associated with an immediate to allergens that depend on the geographic area hypersensitivity form. (See CONJUNCTIVITIS ALLERGIC)
It differs from the previous one only by the nature of the causative allergens are present throughout the year such as dust mites, animal dander, feathers.
Symptoms are present throughout the year on a chronic or subacute fashion
This form of disease often takes the form of dry eye with instablilité tear film.
THE vernal keratoconjunctivitis
Formerly called vernal conjunctivitis is rare with a spring or summer resurgence?
This form is often the prerogative of children under 10 years, male, having a personal or family history of allergies.
It develops most often toward stabilization in adulthood although sometimes the transition to a chronic form is possible
The symptoms are intense with itching, photophobia, sometimes a decrease in visual acuity is related to a breach of the cornea (which is responsible for the prognosis of the disease.
It is rare but severe corneal involvement is present in 75% of cases and is the major prognostic factor of the disease.
It most often affects young adult males throughout the year with a summer increase.
This conjunctivitis is the seat of inflammation may progress to fibrosis more or less localized.
Finally a chronic corneal ulcer is common with risk opacity effects, and sometimes perforation.
It is linked to eye drops and cosmetics.
Itching is a common
the skin lesions of eyelids eczema type is associated with a papillary or follicular conjunctivitis
The corneal involvement is rare.
Allergens most frequently encountered are:
the preservatives contained in eye drops (QUATERNARY AMMONIUM)
certain antibiotics such as neomycin.
It is generally carry contact lenses or eye prosthesis, but sometimes patients with a history of eye surgery.
Inspection of the upper tarsal conjunctiva demonstrates giant papillae (MORE THAN 1 MM) or without corneal limbal reached.
The prognosis is good if the mechanical cause is removed.
The use of a simple eye drops without preservatives saline prevents scratching due to pruritus.

In addition it allows washing of the antigen and facilitates the removal of inflammatory mediators conveyed by tears.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →