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Curative measures of allergy

Allergy treatment drug is exclusively and aims to improve the signs of allergy and the quality of life of the patient.
There is another way to treat certain allergies (pollen, dust mites) called desensitization, whose purpose is to reduce the medication.
Drug treatments
Drug treatment of allergies is adapted to the shape and demonstrations of each allergy.
These are drugs that block the release of histamine (Triggering substance allergic reactions) by immune cells. These drugs are used primarily in allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria, eczema. The best-known antihistamine side effect is drowsiness and their use requires a prescription and precautions, especially for pregnant women.
They are prescribed by doctors in case of severe allergic reactions and are used against to decrease inflammation (allergic asthma, hay hay, angioedema). These treatments are not without side effects: oral corticosteroids for long-term cause weight gain while ointments or creams containing steroids weaken the skin.
They are also prescribed to reduce the signs of allergy, side effects are not determined but these drugs mainly apply in pregnancy and in children. Anti-leukotrienes are often currently used in asthma and allergic rhinitis.
At these drugs may add specific drugs allergic manifestation.
In the treatment of asthma: bronchodilators (to dilate the bronchi), mucolytic drugs (to thin bronchial secretions), anti-IgE in severe asthma and antibiotics for bacterial infection after an allergic reaction.
Cleaning the nose and eyes is recommended in the case of allergic rhinitis and allergic conjunctivitis saline are frequently used.
Desensitization is part of immunotherapy and acts directly on the immune system and is particularly done in case of intolerance to drugs administered or in case of worsening of the signs of allergies. Desensitization is currently recommended by the World Health Organization to be part of taking loads of allergies.
How does it work?
Desensitization is a method of treatment comprising administering to the patient gradually increasing doses of allergens in order to accustom the body to become less sensitive to the allergen, which has been previously identified by a test skin or blood test.
The administration of allergens can be done either by injection (weekly) by drops under the tongue (daily and fasting except for venom desensitization).
For how long?
Desensitization depends on the state of health of the patient. But on average, it should take between 3-5 years, involving a great willingness to engage the patient in treatment. And desensitization is started early, the more efficient it is great, also reducing the risk of developing other allergies.
Side effects?

There is a risk of local reactions at the injection site (redness, pain, swelling small) and some events such as sneezing and irritation of the nose, cough, itchy but harmless.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →