Drug Penalties
Trafficking and drug usage are prohibited and punished by the criminal law.Traffic is punishable by penalties, which can range from 10 years imprisonment to life imprisonment, lorsqu'existent aggravating circumstances such as selling drugs to minors, the formation of gangs, recidivism etc. .. (Penal Code Art. 222-34 / 222-43).
Convicts are excluded from the amnesty laws.
The simple use of narcotics is punishable by a prison sentence of one year and a fine of 25,000 francs
(Art.628 of the Code of Public Health).
However, these penalties will not be executed by the parties which have complied with medical treatment (rehab) that has been prescribed to them under the control of the competent health authority, by the Tribunal and who will follow up its term. (Art. 628-1 of the Code of Public Health).

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →