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Recurrent chronic rhinitis

The causes of chronic rhinitis are many and it is important to support a difficult diagnosis to establish, to know a few essential parameters.
- Professional activities and possibly manipulated substances,
- Housing conditions: the presence of pets, ornamental plants, heating mode,
- Recreation, especially if the search stays in the countryside, in the mountains or the sea are triggers,
- Eating habits and current treatments,
- Start mode thrust rhinitis,
- The existence of similar events in other family members,
- Eventual smoking
Rhinitis is manifested by nasal obstruction, a major runny nose, sneezing.
A crusty rhinitis can occur DSE.
Sometimes these symptoms are very minimal for example in case of rhinitis posterior choanal flow by nasal secretions simply causes difficult to control cough without accurate diagnosis.
The smell is always more or less disturbed.
Headaches can sometimes be very important and sound on the social life.
Complications are made of sinusitis, otitis SERO MUCOUS and sometimes a cough that does not yield to usual treatment.
There are several kinds of chronic recurrent rhinitis:
They are seasonal, and are manifested by rhinoconjunctivitis in case of pollen allergy, but can be foodborne without seasonal pattern related to different food allergens such as peanuts, kiwi fruit, eggs, strawberries, chocolate.
RHINITIS hypereosinophilic
They are not allergic and there is eosinophilia of nasal mucus.
They often show a decreased sense of smell, or even a total anosmia.
They are often sensitive to antihistamines and topical corticosteroids treatment.
RHINITIS vasomotor
They are manifested by a significant nasal flow that occurs at any time, without periodicity, without chemical allergy or intolerance.
- The vasospastic rhinitis rather evident among women with cold hands and is due to an exaggeration of the effects of SYMPATHETIC SYSTEM.
- The cholinergic rhinitis occurs preferably in humans and is under the dominance of PARASYMPATHETIC SYSTEM.
The appearance of these rhinitis may be promoted by the STRESS, cold, moisture, hyperventilation.
Occur in subjects abusing local vasoconstrictor, but also in patients on beta-blockers are drugs or inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme

Manifested by emission of pus or rhino-sinusitis which can be unilateral and localized in relation to a source of infection to be discovered (tooth) or generalized matching alteration of all nasal and sinus mucosa.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →