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Vitamin supplementation premature increase the risk of allergies

The premature contribution supplements containing vitamins infant seems to cause an increased risk of allergic reaction during childhood risk, warn the authors of a U.S. study published in "Pediatrics" magazine.
Because vitamins affect cell maturation in vitro immune system, they could participate in vivo emergence of susceptibility to allergic diseases, are Dr. Joshua Milner, of Children's National Medical Center in Washington noted, and colleagues. This team of American doctors has therefore sought to determine whether vitamin supplementation initiated in the first months of life influenced the risk of asthma or food allergy child.
They then analyzed the data collected as part of a national survey on the health of mothers and their newborns, according to the method of infant feeding (breastfeeding or infant formula) of any vitamin supplementation early (defined by the authors as the consumption of vitamins during the first six months) and taking into account the influence of risk factors for asthma and food allergies already identified.
Of the more than 8,000 participants in this study, 10.5% were found with asthma and 4.9% had a food allergy.
The analysis of data collected as part of this survey indicated that a particular vitamin supplementation was associated with an early increased risk of food allergy for children whose diet may had rested on infant formula.
In addition, children who consumed vitamins at the age of three years also had an increased risk of food allergies, which may have been their power mode during the first months of life.

So it seems that early vitamin supplementation is associated in some cases with an increased risk of allergic reactions and further analysis should be conducted to determine the compounds whose use has the greatest impact, the authors conclude .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →