Pregnancy: the risk of myocardial 30 times higher after 40 years
Women over age
40 are 30 times more likely than those aged 20 to suffer a myocardial
infarction during pregnancy or postpartum, according to a study published in
the journal "Circulation".
The rarity of
pregnancy-related stroke makes it difficult to estimate their incidence (number
of new cases per year) and the identification of risk factors. A previous study
was first conducted across California and Dr. Andra James and his colleagues at
Duke University Medical Center in Durham (North Carolina) wanted to obtain data
at the entire United States.
The researchers
used the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, which collects most of the data on
obstetric complications through hospital discharge records.
Between 2000 and
2002, 859 hospitalizations included a diagnosis of myocardial infarction, an
incidence of 6.2 per 100,000 live births, three to four times higher than what
was expected based on the incidence of myocardial infarction in women of
childbearing age, followed within a network of care HMO (Health Maintenance Organization).
The infarction
was fatal in 5.1% of cases. The risk of pregnancy was 30 times higher among
women 40 and older, compared with less than 20 years.
The authors have
also identified several risk factors associated with pregnancy infarction: thrombophilia
this risk multiplied by 25.6, 21.7 by hypertension, smoking by 8.4, a
transfusion during the childbirth by 5.1, 3.6 and diabetes by infection
postpartum 3.2.
However, black
women were not more likely than others to suffer a heart attack during pregnancy,
suggesting that the higher incidence generally observed in this population must
be explained by a greater prevalence of other cardiovascular risk factors, the
authors note.
and preventive measures should target women whose pregnancy is late or who have
coronary risk factors known thrombophilia or have postpartum complications, and
smoking," conclude the investigators.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →