Surgical treatment and instrumental
In case of failure of drug treatments, doctors may use the instrumental and surgical treatments.
Surgical Treatments
The hemorrhoidectomy is resection of hemorrhoids. The alternative of surgical treatment is mainly applied:
- In case of failure of medication and lifestyle changes,
- In cases of serious and complicated hemorrhoids
- In case of hemorrhoids large volume and annoying.
The patient is usually hospitalized for a few days (4 or 5 days). The surgery is done under local anesthesia and involves removing the location area of the hemorrhoid. The pain may then persist until 2-3 weeks.
Recurrences are rare in hemorrhoidectomy. However, preventive measures should always be applied.
Complications may occur (infection, bleeding, anal fissure, healing problem ...) where the interest of hospital monitoring of short duration.
Instrumental treatment
Instrumental treatments aim to block the irrigation at the vein. It shrinks and this then implies shrinkage and destruction of the hemorrhoid.
There are several instrumental methods:
- The photocoagulation is the use of infrared beam applied to the base of the hemorrhoid.
- Sclerotherapy is the application of sclerosing agents on the vein to make rigid walls and the wither. Sclerosing injections using products (phenol), while cryotherapy is the application of cold to hemorrhoids.
- Rubber band ligation is laying on a rubber band hemorrhoid. Rubber band ligation is frequently used in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.
Instrumental treatment may require several sessions before the withered hemorrhoid falls. Pain and bleeding can often persist after surgery.
Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →