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What to do against snacking?

Manon Brodeo, Dietitian-Nutritionist
Snacking is a food outside of meal consumption defined But why ban if the person is hungry? Nothing prevents him from taking a snack that will satisfy his hunger at the time. By cons, if it denies to all the snacks in the afternoon and arrived hungry at dinner, she will rush on everything and anything and eat quickly. If it does not take time to eat, it will be difficult to perceive the fullness and therefore eat beyond their needs.
Either you opt for this solution to provide snacks in advance and you take things that you like, or you find it on the workplace. In any case, there is no type of food to eat at that time. Not being part of a disease or pregnancy, it is not necessary to ensure a balanced and diversified supply. If incase, you really have to wear what we want if, at the base, there is a hunger.

The greedy can they lead to sweet foods?
If you crave particular foods and you are hungry, you have to move towards these foods from the start. Because if you take a very balanced snack (eg a serving of fruit with yogurt), but you want the other food, the eating your apple and your yogurt will not fill you at all. This will fill an energy point of view, but you'll still want to head this sweet product. But if you eat your apple and your yogurt, then you go crazy and eat your sweet product, energy intake will be much greater than if you had eaten your sweet product.

Last modified on 16/08/2011


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →