hepatitis chroniques7
HEPATITIS A HEPATITIS B or C (see these terms) may well have gone unnoticed in their acute phase (9 times out of 10). We speak of subclinical disease. Several years later, however, triggers chronic hepatitis can become active and lead to cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma.
That is why before unexplained fatigue or reduced general condition, should be performed assay TRANSAMINASES.
If the dosage of these shows transaminases elevation thereof, it will look for markers of hepatitis B IgM HBC marker of hepatitis C anti-HCV.
All cases of hepatitis A, most cases of hepatitis B and half of hepatitis C cases heal without long-term sequelae.
One must consider that liver disease (disease of viral liver to what interests us here) is when the chronic elevation of serum liver enzymes persists for more than 6 months (see TRANSAMINASES).
It should be noted that there are many other non-viral causes of chronic elevation of transaminases (HEPATITIS AUTO IMMUNE see this term, drug-induced liver disease, HEMOCHROMATOSIS qv, WILSON qv disease).
Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →