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Hepatitis C risk patients

In addition to the medical staff, subject to risks:
- Patients who were transfused
- Dialysis,
- Hemophiliacs,
- Kidney and heart transplant
- Patients who have undergone surgery for severe bleeding, even if they do not have the notion that a transfusion could be made ​​to them,
- Patients who are tattooed,
- Major road accident,
- Families of patients (it must explain the method of possible transmission in families of patients should especially avoid contact with blood, so it is essential that the toiletry items: razor, toothbrush, etc.. ... are strictly personal)
- People who have undergone endoscopy, especially if BIOPSY (see these terms) was performed on this occasion,
- Drug addicts,
- Patients with no obvious cause fatigue, asthenia being the major sign of hepatitis C, chronic hepatitis C in particular. Serological must be practiced,
- Sexual contamination has been described but remains marginal, as the infection from mother to child, which also remains outstanding.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →